Saturday, November 24, 2012

Que rico aperitivo

Como mucha gente llevó bastante tiempo tratando de bajar de peso, sitios como me han ayudado mucho pero una o dos veces al mes me como un aperitivo como este, alto en grasa y calorías pero muy delicioso.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Rica Cena de Acción de Gracias

Que rica estuvo la cena de acción de gracias, pero sí subí varios kilos, pero tengo pensado leer los tips para perder peso de

Ideas se regalos para navidad

Me acabó de dar una vuelta por las tiendas y ya tengo varias ideas para navidad, perfumes, ropa e incluso el curso de bajar de peso de Bueno va a ser una muy buena navidad.

Que Rica Comida Mexicana

A todos nos gusta la comida mexican, el dia de hoy me comí este plato tan rico, pero nunca olviden llevar una dieta sana, para Good de bajar de peso visita: Como Bajar Peso X hoy

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fun times at Thanksgiving

Enjoy this photo, please visit my website at:

KFC is great for diets

This post is brought to hi by

So yea KFC is not great for diets but their food is delicious.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

More about credit trails

Credit Report Trials

Also get a credit report trial here.

Ovnis en México

Videos de Ovnis y Extraterrestres

Miren este increíble video de Ovnis aquí en México. Uno de los más increíbles que he visto en mi vida.

My credit score sucks

Credit Rating Report

Just night a car today until they checked my credit score just to find the bad news. Oh well, I ended ko paying cash for a used car.

This really bad luck

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Noo, blue screen and my computer dead.

BSOD on Boot

So, just got a blue screen. I will have to reinstall windows tomorrow.

Windows 64 bit is awesome!

Wow, for many years I have  had a 32 bit computer and today my new Dell computer just arrived and I can tell you that I am extremely happy. This is a 64 bit computer with 8gb of ram and I love it.
People always ask, 32 bit vs 64 bit which one is better.

Well I can tell you from my own experience that I am loving my 64 bit computer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Several Funny Pictures From Around The World

Hello guys, there are hundreds and thousands of funny picture websites around the world, today I want to share with you some of the funniest pictures that I have seen in a while. If you want more, check out this website: Funny Pictures and Photos.